Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Well, almost....isn't this adorable?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. Matthew 25:35

I need to add a new quote on my side bar. Tim said in the car on the way home, "Mom, why did you come get us?" What a blessing! He was referring to he and Nick working in the food pantry. We had a wonderful morning. We were all doing different jobs, serving in ways that only God could have designed. Ashley and her friend Laura Lynn were in the playroom helping 2 adult care providers (volunteer of course) play and care for children. I saw them walk small children to and from the bathroom, color with them and sometimes negotiate boundaries if the little ones took toys that someone else was playing with. Nick and Tim worked in the food pantry putting bread into bags, organizing apples into sections, loading up boxes of Thanksgiving fixings and at times carrying the boxes to cars. There were about 6 people in their area helping to distribute. Loud praise music was playing and God Bless you's were everywhere.
I was in the sanctuary with the job of distributing groups of 10 at a time to the next line where they would eventually get their food. My job ended up changing though because someone else took over. No problem here. I got to do what I love to do! Actually, I listened. A lot. I took absolute delight in hearing every story, every thought these men and women had to share. A few times, I had to probe and keep at it. I could see in their eyes the questioning of whether or not they truly believed I cared to hear their stories. But we had a long time to wait together and that meant a long time to get to know one another. I met a woman named Lori who talked about her deceased mother with such love and respect that it brought tears to my eyes. She knew the Lord and though most of the world would think she had nothing, she was mighty rich in spirit. I long to talk to her again. Her friend Minney was quiet and warmed up as the morning carried on. I plan on spending more time with them when they come back. I met another woman named Maria who just had knee surgery and has fallen on hard times. She had the most beautiful amazing eyes, bright and alive. Her spirit was tender. You could tell she was vulnerable. I loved the "realness" of these people.

Our morning was wonderful. I know God meant for us to be there today. We all four left knowing we would go back. Every single one of us. We were all touched and hearts sang as we gave the little we had to offer. I'm so grateful. Now, I just need to get Michael to join us. I was going to take him out of school but he had benchmark testing and couldn't miss. Some things in life are meant to experience.

My friend Amy says that you can't minister to people if you are on your ladder looking down. You have to be among people, talking to them and listening to their stories, truly caring about their lives. We all made one small step in that direction. Now this is why I homeschool! Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your friends and families...

Monday, November 24, 2008

I've been bathed by the spirit...

I just got a call from Linda, the volunteer coordinator. We can come! I haven't been this excited about something in a long time. We'll be helping pass out food to needy families from 9:30 until mid afternoon. Linda is excited we're coming and I'm excited we get to come. Oh, how great is our God! It's a small step in the serving department but a step it is and one that I am so ever grateful for. My heart longs to make a difference. I've been so caught up in taking care of my family and making sure everything was perfect before we served that we've never really served. If only I could get the laundry done and the shopping done and the cards sent and the groceries get the idea. It never was done. As it stands right now I am totally unprepared for the company I'm having tomorrow that will be staying with me through the week. I still need to do more laundry, sort through my recipes for ingredients to buy and grocery shop. It's ok. I know it will get done. It may just get done when they're all here.

Let's hope the panic of adding something like this to my week without being prepared for my company doesn't set in and rob me of my joy and the joy I know God intends for my children to experience. I am, you all know...real. I know myself all too well. For now, I'll go with the longing in my heart and the desire to serve. Ya, I'll go with that.

God is Working!

Ok, folks....I just got off the phone with Restoration Urban Ministries. They are an organization committed to helping the homeless and displaced families in the Champaign/Urbana community. They are in dire need of help tomorrow morning to distribute food to needy families in our community. Linda, the volunteer coordinator has to check with the board of directors to see if the kids can come. Oh how I pray she calls back with good news. I'm praying that we can serve tomorrow. Pray, pray, pray for us to help this ministry and that in the hustle of all Linda has to do that she will be prompted to call. I'll keep you posted.

Making it count...

Are you like me? Do you enter this time of year with excitement but also with fear? I mean, I absolutely love the lights, sounds, food, and gatherings of this Christmas season we are so quickly approaching but as I've entered the 38th year of my life, I have grown weary. I'm weary because my soul longs for true enlightenment of my Lord Jesus Christ. My soul longs for the true meaning to be expressed in actions and that my children "get it" and understand that this season is about reflection and also action. Maybe I also need to "get it." Maybe I need to get out of my bible and accompanying study guide and "get into" someone's life. My fear is that another season will go by and all I will have accomplished is getting the cards out, buying gifts and watching a few Christmas shows. I want the fullness of the season to be about doing for others. I've actually always wanted this, even before I knew the Lord, it's just that now I've been called to do it and I'm longing to obey.

So many are hurting spiritually and physically. What can we do? I am searching. I really want to drop my curriculum for an entire month to focus soley on serving in our community. I want to "get into" the lives of people that I wouldn't normally be involved with. My soul longs for it. My heart is begging for it. Jesus is asking me and looking at me intently for the answer to the question He has layed on my heart. So I am praying that God will give me just the right opportunites for the kids and I to get out of math and language arts for a bit and get into the realms of true that causes people to have hope. I want to hear the stories of these people. I want to walk with them. I want my children to do the same. Pray with me and for me that I can be bold enough and have enough time management (something I can definitely be better at doing) to accomplish a living faith this season.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ok, so here is our raised salt dough map of the United States or states and territories as the land was called then. We sure got a real look at what it was like to travel from the East to the West. We had fun making it too.